Potential indicators – Connected
A connected NSW is one where people can connect with family and friends as well as employment, services, economic, and educational opportunities. Businesses can access markets for their goods and services. Both people and businesses should have ready access to government services, safe and reliable transport, and be digitally connected.
The NSW Outcomes that support NSW residents’ connection comprise:
- government services are accessible, effective and integrated
- people and businesses are connected through safe and reliable transport
- people and businesses have access to digital services.
Table 1.7 - Potential performance indicators for the Connected theme
NSW Outcome |
Indicator | Metric | Why this is important |
Direction |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Road fatalities | Number of lives lost on NSW roads | Significant emotional, economic, and social costs arise from road fatalities |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Serious road injuries | Number of serious road injuries requiring hospitalisation | Significant emotional, economic, and social costs arise from serious injuries |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Service reliability – public transport | Measures reported service reliability by transport mode | Predictable and reliable public transport can make it easier for people to access places and services efficiently and affordably |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Public transport and active transport mode share | Percentage of total trips taken by train, metro, bus, ferry, light rail, cycling or walking | Use of public and active transport can reduce economic, social, and environmental costs associated with private transport, and improve health by increasing activity levels |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Access to metropolitan centres | Number of dwellings located within 30 minutes of a strategic centre by walking or public transport in Greater Sydney | Indicates proximity of homes to critical infrastructure, services, education and economic opportunities |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Journey time reliability – roads | Percentage of journeys completed within an acceptable travel time range during peak periods | Indicates reliability of road transport network |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Passenger satisfaction – public transport | Subjective measure of passenger satisfaction by public transport mode | Indicator of public transport service quality |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Passenger satisfaction – roads | Subjective measure of customer satisfaction of roads | Indicator of road quality and experience for road users |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Passenger satisfaction – point to point transport | Subjective measure of passenger satisfaction with point to point services such as taxis, ride share and hire cars | Indicator of point to point transport service quality |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Passenger satisfaction; public transport – people with disability | Subjective measure of passenger satisfaction of people with disability by public transport mode | Indicator of satisfaction with public transport services for people with disability |
People, businesses and communities are connected through safe and reliable transport | Trust in the NSW Government to keep their personal data safe | Subjective measures of customers’ trust in government to keep personal data safe | Trust in government ability to securely protect personal data will improve the reliability of government data and help inform efficient service delivery |
Government services are accessible, effective and integrated | Proportion of people who report having access to government services | Percentage of people who report having access to government services | Access to government services is essential for the broader community |