Potential indicators – Community

The wellbeing theme Community is about a society that supports connections with family, friends and community, and promotes diversity and culture. This means people have strong social bonds; enjoy recreation and leisure; and have trust in institutions and government. It also means that our community values diversity, belonging and culture.

The NSW Outcomes that support a cohesive community include:

  • government is coordinated, transparent and trusted
  • creative and cultural sectors are sustainable
  • communities are diverse, engaged and cohesive.

Table 1.6 - Potential performance indicators for the Community theme

Indicator Metric Why this is
Government is coordinated, transparent and trusted Trust in NSW Government services Subjective measure of trust in government services Measure of community trust
Green arrow upwards
Aboriginal voices are heard at the centre of government Formal partnership arrangements in place to support Closing the Gap; enshrining agreed joint decision-making roles and responsibilities where people have chosen their own representatives Number of partnership arrangements Measures the extent to which Closing the Gap commitments and other formal partnerships towards self-determination for First Nations people have been met
Green arrow upwards
Creative and cultural sectors are sustainable and growing Proportion of Live Performance Australia recorded event tickets sold in NSW (attendance at live performances) Percentage of tickets sold in NSW Captures engagement and demand for high quality live performance and cultural events in NSW
Green arrow upwards
Communities are diverse, engaged and cohesive Attendance at Multicultural NSW festivals or events Number of people attending Attendance rates are a good measure on community engagement and diversity
Green arrow upwards
Communities are diverse, engaged and cohesive Interpreting and translating by Multicultural NSW Number of assignments each year A measure understanding how fully communities can participate in society in their spoken language
Green arrow upwards