Potential indicators – Secure
A secure society is one where people live peacefully and are safe both at home and in their broader community. This includes communities being resilient to natural disasters and emergencies.
The NSW Outcomes that support residents’ security are:
- communities are safe
- people have access to justice and protection under the law
- children and families are safe and supported
- communities are prepared for and
resilient to disasters and emergencies.
Table 1.5 - Potential performance indicators for the Secure theme
NSW Outcome |
Indicator | Metric | Why this is important |
Direction |
Communities are safe | Reporting of abuse of adults with disability to the Ageing and Disability Commission | Number of adults with disability reported to be subject to, or at risk of, abuse, neglect or exploitation | A measure that helps to understand extent of adults with disability subject to abuse and drive better reporting |
Communities are safe | Reporting of abuse of older people (elder abuse) to the Ageing and Disability Commission | Number of older people reported to be subject to, or at risk of, abuse, neglect or exploitation | A measure that helps to understand extent of elder abuse and drive better reporting |
Communities are safe | Reported crime rate | Reported crime rate per 100,000 people, by type of crime | Reported crime rates help us understand the likelihood to report crime and community safety |
Communities are safe | Experiences of personal crime | Experiences of personal crime, people aged 15 and over | A measure to help understand the extent of victimisation experiences |
Communities are safe | Childhood witnessing of domestic violence | Experiences of domestic violence witnessing, before the age of 15 | A measure to help understand the extent of childhood domestic violence |
Communities are safe | Incidents of reported cybercrime, NSW | Number of incidents of reported cybercrime, by type | A measure to help understand the extent of digital safety and security of communities |
Communities are safe | Proportion of bushfires contained | Proportion of bushfires contained to 10ha or less | Performance metric for response to bushfires |
People have access to justice and protection under the law | Adult reoffending rate | Proportion of adult offenders released from custody who have a new proven personal, property or serious drug offence in the 12 months following release | A measure to help understand the extent of recidivism and effectiveness of crime prevention and reduction programs |
People have access to justice and protection under the law | Young persons reoffending rate | Proportion of juvenile offenders who have a new proven personal, property or serious drug offence in the 12 months following participation in a youth justice conference or completion of a custodial or supervision order | A measure to help understand the extent of recidivism and effectiveness of crime prevention and reduction programs |
People have access to justice and protection under the law | Finalisations, all Criminal Courts | Finalisation rate per 100,000 people, all criminal courts | A measure for effective caseload management and timely justice |
People have access to justice and protection under the law | Finalisations, District Court | Proportion of District Court criminal cases finalised within 12 months | A measure for effective caseload management and timely justice |
People have access to justice and protection under the law | Finalisations, Local Court | Proportion of Local Court criminal cases finalised within 6 months | A measure for effective caseload management and timely justice |
Children and families are safe and supported | Rate of children and young people at Risk of Significant Harm | Rate of children and young people at risk of significant harm per 1,000 of population | A measure to understand the extent to which children need care and protection |
Children and families are safe and supported | Children in out of home care (OOHC) | Number of children (0-17) in OOHC | A measure to understand the prevalence of children who are unable to live with their own families |
Children and families are safe and supported | Children exiting out of home care (OOHC) to restoration, guardianship or adoption | Number of children exiting OOHC to restoration, guardianship or adoption, per 1,000 population | A measure to understand the number of children exiting OOHC and entering permanent and safe family arrangements |
Children and families are safe and supported | Children in out of home care (OOHC) who were restored and did not return | Children being restored with their parents or guardians who do not return within 12 months, by First Nations status | A measure to understand the longer-term restoration rate of children with their parents or guardians |
Children and families are safe and supported | Children in high-cost emergency arrangements | Number of children in high-cost emergency arrangements for OOHC | An indication of the extent that the system is resorting to expensive and unstable care arrangements |
Communities are prepared for and resilient to disasters and emergencies | State emergency management plans | Proportion of state emergency management plans that are up to date | State emergency management plans are a statutory responsibility |
Communities are prepared for and resilient to disasters and emergencies | Rate of rescues | Rescue incidents per 100,000 population attended by emergency service organisations | Measures community exposure to rescue situations |
Communities are prepared for and resilient to disasters and emergencies | Structures destroyed by disasters and emergencies | Number of structures destroyed by fire, to be expanded as data on other hazard types become available | Indicates effectiveness of risk reduction and mitigation activities |
Communities are prepared for and resilient to disasters and emergencies | Number of properties protected by hazard reduction | Number of properties protected by hazard reduction activities of emergency services organisations | Indicates the effectiveness of mitigation works to limit the adverse impacts of emergency events |
Communities are prepared for and resilient to disasters and emergencies | Rate of fire deaths | Deaths per 1 million people where cause of death is fire-related, including both structure and landscape fires | Indicates effectiveness in limiting adverse effects of emergency events |
Communities are prepared for and resilient to disasters and emergencies | Confinement rate for accidental structure fires | Percentage of accidental structure fires (residential and other property types) confined to room or object of origin | Indicates of the effectiveness of responses to structure fires and risk reduction and mitigation activities |