Potential indicators – Prosperous

A prosperous society has a dynamic and resilient economy, which provides opportunities for people. This means a vibrant, diverse and resilient economy that benefits everyone; all generations share the same opportunities to prosper; and people have access to jobs and opportunities.

The NSW Outcomes that support NSW residents’ prosperity include:

  • State finances are robust and sustainable
  • markets are fair and competitive, and workplaces are safe
  • a vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards
  • everyone has access to productive and rewarding jobs.

Table 1.3 – Potential performance indicators for the Prosperous theme

Indicator Metric Why this is
State finances are robust and sustainable Net government debt Net government debt as a share of Gross State Product Measure of fiscal sustainability
Green arrow downwards
Markets are fair and competitive, and workplaces are safe Incidence rate of work-related fatalities Number of work-related fatalities per 100,000 NSW employees Outcome measure for work health and safety regulatory functions of government
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A vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards Value of NSW exports Dollar value of exports (by primary, secondary and tertiary industries) Exports support additional economic activity
Green arrow upwards
A vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards Small and medium enterprise procurement Share of small and medium enterprises as a proportion of NSW Government procurement spend Small and medium businesses are the backbone of the NSW economy, and should have the opportunity to participate in NSW Government procurement
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A vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards Jobs supported by NSW Government procurement NSW jobs committed to as a result of NSW Government strategic procurement The NSW Government has committed to using its valuable procurement dollars to support local jobs and content
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A vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards Number of new licence applications granted that were enabled by the vibrancy legislation Number of businesses opening longer hours and providing alternate offerings Increasing the number of businesses that provide alternate offerings, such as live music or extended trading hours, grows the economy and creates vibrancy
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A vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards NSW visitor expenditure The dollar value of visitor expenditure in NSW A strong visitor economy supports a dynamic economy that shares prosperity, as well as diverse and rewarding jobs
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A vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards Value of night‑time economy Adjusted nighttime in-person consumption spend in NSW A rich and vibrant nighttime economy enriches people’s lives. Night-time economy activities contribute to social cohesion, and economic growth
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A vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards Proportion of people who participated in night‑time economy leisure or entertainment activity outside the home (after 6pm) in the past 7 days Percentage of people surveyed who took part in the night‑time economy across one week Monitors the demand for the night‑time economy
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A vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards Number of core night‑time economy businesses Number of businesses registered in industries deemed core night‑time industries Monitors the supply for the night‑time economy
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A vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards Jobs created with the assistance of Investment NSW Government support Number of jobs created with assistance from Investment NSW Reduce unemployment, lift productivity, and raise living standards
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A vibrant and diverse economy that supports improving living standards Investment secured through the support of Investment NSW Value of investment induced through the support of Investment NSW Support high value employment opportunities and raises real incomes
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Everyone has access to productive and rewarding jobs Female workforce participation Rate of female workforce participation Equity measure that acts as a proxy measure to measure improvements in women’s economic opportunities
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