Potential indicators – Housed

The wellbeing theme Housed covers both individual and community aspects. It is a society where residents and families secure stable living conditions through access to housing, and where communities and places are thriving.

The NSW Outcomes that support this theme include:

  • quality housing solutions are sufficient and affordable
  • places are well-designed and sustainable
  • vulnerable people have access to suitable housing.


Table 1.4 - Potential performance indicators for the Housed theme


Indicator Metric Why this is
Quality housing solutions are sufficient and affordable Rate of serious identified defects rectified in residential buildings Measures serious defects in residential buildings rectified after action by the Building Commission NSW Partial housing quality measure that reflects the Building Commission’s regulatory functions
Green arrow upwards
Quality housing solutions are sufficient and affordable New potential dwellings unlocked through rezonings Number of dwellings approved through planning proposals and state-led rezonings Measures planning system performance, to increase housing supply
Green arrow upwards
Quality housing solutions are sufficient and affordable Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in appropriately sized (not overcrowded) housing Percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons who live in dwellings where no extra bedrooms are required to adequately house the usual residents Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people securing appropriate, affordable housing that is aligned with their priorities and need
Green arrow upwards
Quality housing solutions are sufficient and affordable Social housing dwelling standard Proportion of social housing tenants living in dwellings of an acceptable standard Social and affordable housing, and rentals in general, should meet minimum quality standards
Green arrow upwards
Places are well-designed and sustainable Government owned sites assessed as part of the Government Land Audit for potential housing use The number of Government owned sites assessed as part of the Government Land Audit for potential housing use Could contribute to improving housing supply
Green arrow upwards
Places are well-designed and sustainable Number of visits across public spaces and events Total number of visits Measure of amenity and community enjoyment of public spaces
Green arrow upwards
Vulnerable people have access to suitable housing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households receiving essential services that meet or exceed standards Percentage of communities with greater than 50 per cent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents that have appropriate access to essential services Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people securing appropriate, affordable housing that is aligned with their priorities and need
Green arrow upwards
Vulnerable people have access to suitable housing Priority social housing applicants and wait time Measures average wait time for priority approved applicants by Sydney, regional and rural NSW Measure of whether social housing applicants can access housing in a timely manner
Green arrow downwards
Vulnerable people have access to suitable housing Social housing dwellings Number of dwellings, by social housing type Measure of social housing supply
Green arrow upwards
Vulnerable people have access to suitable housing Proportion of people experiencing homelessness who are assisted by Specialist Homelessness Services Percentage of people experiencing homelessness who are assisted by Specialist Homelessness Services to achieve housing Effectiveness measure for homelessness services
Green arrow upwards