First Nations performance indicators and wellbeing metrics
Table 1.9 below summarises First Nations related indicators and measures that either align to Closing the Gap or potential indicators that have a specific First Nations outcome, for easy reference.2 They are also listed in the Tables 1.1 to 1.8 under each wellbeing theme.
2 The term Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander is used where the primary data source uses this term.
Table 1.9 - Potential First Nations related indicators
NSW Outcome |
Indicator | Metric | Why this is important |
Direction |
People receive timely, quality care in hospitals and the community | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life expectancy | Life expectancy in years at birth for Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander people | Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enjoying long and healthy lives |
People receive timely, quality care in hospitals and the community | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children born with a healthy birthweight | The proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies with a healthy birthweight | Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of early childhood development and maternal health |
All children benefit from quality early childhood education and care | Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who are enrolled in a preschool program | Percentage of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children enrolled in preschool in the year before they start school | Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children thriving in their early years |
All children benefit from quality early childhood education and care | Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children assessed as developmentally on track in all five domains of the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) | Percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children assessed as developmentally on track in all five domains of the AEDC | Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children engaged in high quality, culturally appropriate early childhood education in their early years |
All school students are supported to reach their full potential | Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 20-24 years who have attained a minimum of Year 12 or equivalent qualification | Percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 20-24 years who have attained a minimum of Year 12 or equivalent qualification | Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students reaching their full potential through further education pathways |
Vocational education delivers the skills that people and businesses need | Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 25-34 years who have completed a tertiary qualification (Certificate III and above) | Percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 25-34 years who have completed qualifications at Certificate level III or above | Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students reaching their full potential through further education pathways |
Vocational education delivers the skills that people and businesses need | Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth aged 15-24 years who are fully engaged in employment, education or training | Percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth aged 15-24 years who are fully engaged in employment, education or training | Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth engaged in employment or education |
Quality housing solutions are sufficient and affordable | Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in appropriately sized (not overcrowded) housing | Percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live in dwellings where no extra bedrooms are required to adequately house the usual residents | Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people securing appropriate, affordable housing that is aligned with their priorities and need |
Vulnerable people have access to suitable housing | Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander households receiving essential services that meet or exceed standards | Percentage of communities with greater than 50 per cent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents that have appropriate access to essential services | Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people securing appropriate, affordable housing that is aligned with their priorities and need |
Children and families are safe and supported | Children in out of home care (OOHC) who were restored and did not return | Children being restored with their parents or guardians who do not return within 12 months, by First Nations status | A measure to understand the longer-term restoration rate of children with their parents or guardians |
Aboriginal voices are heard at the centre of government | Formal partnership arrangements in place to support Closing the Gap; enshrining agreed joint decision-making roles and responsibilities where people have chosen their own representatives | Number of partnership arrangements | Measures the extent to which Closing the Gap commitments and other formal partnerships towards self-determination for First Nations people have been met |