Potential indicators – Healthy

A healthy NSW means a society where people have good physical and mental health throughout life; and have equitable access to quality health and care services. The NSW Outcomes that support NSW residents’ health are:

  • people receive timely quality care in hospitals and the community
  • people are supported to make the best decisions for their health
  • people are enabled to lead active lifestyles.


Table 1.1 – Potential performance indicators under the Healthy theme


Indicator Metric Why this is
People receive timely, quality care in hospitals and the community Acute re-admission within 28 days Overall re-admission rate for acute health patients (planned and unplanned, mental health versus all admissions) Re-admissions can indicate lack of effective treatment or continuity of care, but could also be due to the episodic nature of some illnesses
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People receive timely, quality care in hospitals and the community Virtual care The percentage of non-admitted services provided through virtual care services Virtual care can increase the accessibility of health care for some people
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People receive timely, quality care in hospitals and the community Urgent care services The percentage of non-admitted services provided through urgent care services Urgent care services reduce pressure on emergency departments
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People receive timely, quality care in hospitals and the community Emergency department treatment Percentage of emergency department patients who commence treatment on time, within three levels: resuscitation (within 2 minutes), emergency (within 10 minutes), and urgent (within 30 minutes) Timely treatment is important for health outcomes
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People receive timely, quality care in hospitals and the community Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children born with a healthy birthweight The proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies with a healthy birthweight Aligns to Closing the Gap measure; indicator of early childhood development and maternal health
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People receive timely, quality care in hospitals and the community Satisfaction with healthcare Subjective measure based on NSW Health Patient Survey (admitted patients), and Your Experience of Service (community care) results Measure of patient experience
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People receive timely, quality care in hospitals and the community Ambulance response times Measures ambulance response time in minutes based on priority Measures timeliness of ambulance services
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People are enabled to lead active lifestyles Participation in Sports and Active Recreation at least three times a week Measures participation for people 15 years and above, based on AusPlay survey data Physical activity is beneficial for health outcomes
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People are enabled to lead active lifestyles Physical activity Proportion of children and adults meeting the guideline for sufficient physical activity Physical activity is beneficial for health outcomes
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People are supported to make the best decisions for their health Engagement with health system for children Measures engagement of families with health care services in the first 2,000 days of life (pregnancy to age five) Early childhood health and development has lasting impacts
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People are supported to make the best decisions for their health Smoking and/or vaping in young people Proportion of NSW young people who currently smoke and/or vape Smoking and vaping are associated with health impacts
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